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Audea Newsletter
Buffalo, NY ©2005
Marilyn Lowe compares an audiation-based approach to piano instruction to those using the traditional approach.
A New Approach to Piano Instruction by Marilyn Lowe.
Independent review of Music Moves for Piano by Dr. Nancy Harper, University of Aviero, Aviero, Portugal.
Audea Newsletter
Buffalo, NY ©2008
Marilyn Lowe introduces the Music Moves for Piano curriculum, based on Gordon's Music Learning Theory
417 Magazine
Springfield, MO ©2008
Katie Pollock interviews Marilyn Lowe, Springfield's internationally recognized piano teacher and creator of Music Moves for Piano
Dr.Julie Knerr, University of Missouri, talks about the pros and cons of traditional method books. Reprint with permission.
Dr. Nancy Lee Harper, University of Aviero in Portugal, interviews Marilyn Lowe about the application of Music Learning Theory to piano instruction through Music Moves for Piano. Reprint with permission.
From the book: Il bambino e la musica - L'educazione musicale secondo la Music Learning Theory di Edwin E. Gordon – a cura di Silvia Biferale (EC11731) © Copyright 2010 by Edizioni Curci S.r.l., Galleria del Corso, 4 - Milan (Italy) Used by kind permission of Edizioni Curci S.r.l., Milan (Italy) All rights reserved.
Music review by Dr. Nancy Lee Harper in the Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA)

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In 2021, the song "Jingle Bells" was removed from the Keyboard Games A book based on its controversial origins. A link to the original page is provided for those teachers who wish to teach it. keyboard-games-a-jingle-bells.pdf

In 2022, changes were made to some of the tonal patterns in the Rhythm and Tonal Patterns book. The online tracks reflect these changes. The changed pages can be downloaded here.

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Tim Topham Interview

About MLT-Piano-based instruction. Click here to view.


Music Moves for Piano and Edwin E. Gordon's Music Learning Theory. Click here to view.

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Mind Before Fingers, with Marilyn White Lowe. Click here to view.

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Music Moves for Piano: An Audiation-Based Piano Method Click here to view.

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