Videos: Activities

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Music Moves lessons are activity centered. Regardless of level or age, students learn from modeling and 'doing.' 'Doing' is essential to learning and is a contrast to coaching. Students' responses to activities are not perfect; mistakes occur as part of the learning process. Activities may be for mixed age groups and levels or for two or three students learning at the same level. One-on-one lessons may include many activities also. Activities include: tonal and rhythm pattern instruction, ensemble playing, vocal improvisations and harmonizations, keyboard improvisations and harmonizations, listening, reading, writing, singing, chanting, body movement, using notation software, and more.

Moving in Duple meter and echoing a large variety of patterns, that students have already learned. Students label the patterns. These two 9 YO 3rd graders have had lessons together since 1st grade.
Children learn from each other. Singing and chanting activities benefit all ages. Learning from the Music Moves book performance piece page builds understanding of fingering, hand usage, and keys to play. Children learn to play in ensemble as well as a large variety of solos.
Many rhythm and tonal activities build audiation skill. This video clip shows a variety of activities and performances by students age 9 - 11.
Students learn to listen and move to music. Performers gain experience performing their solos while activities happen around them.
Finding the big beat and moving hips to it while an older student performs is a common listening experience and group activity. Large body movement is fundamental for feeling a consistent tempo in performance.
Listening provides group opportunities for movement. Rhythm is based on body movement and builds musicality. Elementary school boys and girls enjoy movement and often need it after a day in school.
Students learn from the beginning of lessons different ways to move using the four Laban effort movements: time, space, weight, and flow. Weight and flow directly influence musicianship. Rhythm is based on body movement. Here, an older student performs a solo while the younger students move.
Mixed age levels enjoy body movement activities while listening to new music. Body movements are learned through Laban effort movements during the "Songs to Sing" activitiy time in the Music Moves for Piano lesson.
Music Moves for Piano lessons are at least one hour long. Students have the benefit of directed listening and writing experiences that can be evaluated immediately. Analysis of chord changes and rhythm patterns apply and reinforce what students have learned during class and piano activities.
Looking at key signature flash cards, students recognize DO and other tones of a keyality by playing the tone asked for.
When one student is at the keyboard, other students engage in individualized away from the keyboard activities that include: 1) Puzzle - putting together a piece of cut out music 2) Writing music symbols in their journals for a piece they are learning. 3) Writing definitions of terms. There are 6 and 7 YO students.
Students of all ages benefit when one student learns a new piece. Analysis is whole parts whole. Students engage in many activities and have fun together while becoming familiar with new music.
Mixed age groups work well together. Tonal and rhythm pattern activities then an application of rhythm patterns to learning an AM Bach solo. Last pair of students recognize resting tones from a DO signature.
A goal of Music Moves for Piano is for students to learn to play and sing. A way to begin this skill is for two students to perform together. Tonic and dominant single tone accompaniment work fine to build confidence.
7th grader sings and plays, using tonic and dominant triads in major tonality and working on transposition. A very useful skill, putting to use the tonic and dominant accompaniments learned in Music Moves for Piano. Students sing and accompany as a regular part of the curriculum.
Students learn to play by ear and perform without music notation, a skill that is learned through the study of patterns, form, harmony, keyboard skills, and audiation in Music Moves for Piano. This performance was created independent from lesson assignments.
Two home school families engage in group activities. Babies listen. This is the first time these children have engaged in body movement while listening to a song. Acculturation at work. Ages range from 1 1/2 to 8. These students are in their 4th month of lessons. None have had preschool (Preparatory Audiation) classes. We work every week on acculturation/preparatory audiation activities as well as some formal instruction for the 9 YO student. Songs are in different tonalities and meters.
One student performs a boogie and another students changes "instruments" for chord changes.
Students can participate in large variety of activities that build audiation skill. Two 9 YO 3rd graders model each other and have fun together.
Italian children are eager to participate in group activities. A large variety of activities are included in this 30 minute + activity time. Most of the children were 6-8 years old and in Student Book 1.
Piano students love musicals and play and sing music from them
5 and 7 YO siblings enjoy making music together. Spontaneous.
Playing a tune and singing the harmony.
Singing tune and harmony in ensemble

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