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Technical Activities
Building coordinated movement skill is built into Music Moves pieces. This includes: moving in and out from white and black keys, moving slightly on a repeated key, using forearm movement, working on hand shape away from and at the keyboard, avoiding reaching-stretching-twisting-keybedding, use of the forearm, hand/fingers, and wrist.
Coordinated movement develops gradually and should be addressed at lessons in a positive manner. As students progress technically and get older, coordinated skills become internalized.
Rote solos and reading solos can be selected to individualize technical growth and development.
Practicing arm movement using the 3rd finger while playing "Springtime One."
5 YO student practices moving on repeated piano keys
6 YO practices moving on a piano key.
Arm moves hand/fingers to new keys. Fingers are not fixed over three black keys.
Students use a little wrist roll forward to avoid a “hammer” straight down look and sound.
A 7 YO student masters an important skill for listening, improvisation, and reading.