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Guest MLT Videos

Margaret A. Waddell, M.M., Soprano, of Columbia, Missouri performs seven chants of Saint Hildegard von Bingen, who lived from 1098-1179 in the Rhine River Valley of present-day Germany. Chants sung are: Kyrie, O pastor animarum, O rubor sanguinis, O viridissima virga, Caritas abundat, O frondens virga and Hodie. Instruments: Tibetan bell and singing bowls Recorded April 2018 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Columbia, MO by Pat Holt.
Bandcamp: Spotify: iTunes: Google Play: Lyrics: I had a dream that we were the same. You breathed down my throat and I called you my own name. Being alone might not be such a bad thing, But being without you Is maddening. You are the dream that I want every night. Keep my back straight and fingernails clean for all of my life. You are the song that my heart won't stop singing. It's embarrassing to need you like this, you're maddening. If you're just a dream, Can you stay with me After I wake up God, I don't want to be Waiting on a fantasy, These pipe dreams are wearing me down It's maddening, maddening
My feature from our show in Lakeside, OH. THE MIRACLES ft. Sydney Justin:
🔴 - Click here to watch Video #2 in this series (free). EAR TRAINING LESSON NOTES: Most musicians never learn to play music by ear. Not because they lack passion or don't practice, but simply because they practice things the wrong way. It's the norm these days to tell music students to 'practice in all 12 keys'. However, playing in all 12 keys too early on just causes confusion. Most songs actually use the same few notes and chords, the only thing changing is usually the key. So it's virtually impossible to spot the recurring patterns while you're playing every piece in a different key. Attempting to play in all 12 keys is like trying to learn 12 languages at once. And I believe that it's better for a musician to master one key, than to remain equally unaware in all 12 keys. The other benefit to restricting playing to one key, is that it teaches you to paly music by ear. All of the time you're playing in one key, every note and chord sounds the same each time you play it. C always sounds like the root, D like the 2nd, E like the 3rd, etc. But if you then change key, suddenly each note takes on a new sound (a new 'tonal color') in the context of the new key. A note can take on 12 different colors, depending on which of the 12 keys it's played in. Ultimately your brain doesn't know which color to trust, so each new key you play in undoes the memories that had been building up from the previous key. Each note is just a muddy mix of memories - none of which stick: C sometimes sounds like the root, sometimes like the minor 3rd, sometimes like the 5th, sometimes like the major 6th, etc. But when you restrict your playing to one key, your memory of these sounds builds up naturally, unconsciously, without you having to give any conscious thought to what you're doing. After a while you'll notice that you 'just know' that that note is the root, or the major 3rd, or the minor 7th of the key. And the same for chords too. 🔴 - Click here to watch Video #2 in this series (free). FIXED KEY LEARNING Instead of trying to build up your knowledge of all 12 keys, in slow motion, I suggest you double down on one key. Build your knowledge of that one key. Live and breath that one key. Dream about that one key. Listen to all music as though it's in that one key, and imagine that no other key exists. I suggest you stick mostly to one key for 6 - 12 months. If you enjoy the lesson I'd really appreciate a thumbs up. And please share this video with another musician who could also benefit from this information. 🔴 - Click here to watch Video #2 in this series (free).
GIML Piano 2018!
Arr. Jan Sanborn
Don and Lori Chaffer perform a song from their new Waterdeep album and Don & Chris Cragin-Day's musical The Unusual Tale of Mary & Joseph's Baby. Upcoming Performances of the musical: Oklahoma City, OK • Nov 30 – Dec 3, 2017 Knoxville Tn • Dec 7 – Dec 24, 2017 For more info and tix: Follow Don and Lori: @donchaffer @lorichaffer Waterdeep: @waterdeepmusic (fb) @waterdeep (tw)
by Michael W. Smith, arr. Mark Hayes
First, you put your hat on Then you fly away Quiet now, don’t let on That you cannot stay Sure there’s much to miss here Down below But clouds have shapes like trees And puff like cookie dough First, just lots of small steps Then take wing and soar Yes, flight is full of false steps And you can’t ignore That life perhaps is safer when You’re on the ground But sky is calling you So what else is there to do But from gravity, unglue Then your view is only blue From all around. (Music and Lyrics by Marc Chan; with Benjamin Steinhardt)
MICHAEL SPYRES singing Ferrando's aria "Un'aura amorosa" from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera COSÌ FAN TUTTE - for the first time ever with orchestra. Recorded on 3 November 2017 at the Théâtre des Champs Elysées
READ THE DESCRIPTION FOR AN INTERVIEW WITH KAPUSTIN! pf: Nikolai Girshevich Kapustin I have ablolutely no idea where this recording came from. It was just hanging on the "Classics online" Russian website. The sound seems to have been reproduced from a vinyl LP, so I added a few low frequencies... there is virtually no sound compression because I carefully handled the downloaded 320-kbps MP3, converted it into WAV PCM, boosted the lows a bit, added to Adobe After Effects project and exported the WMV with lossless audio. I hope you're viewing it at 720p! There was an interview with Kapustin on March 8th, 2009 at the Chamber hall of Moscow Conservatoire... by the way, did you know that "Kapustin" stands for "of cabbage" in Russian? That's fun! Audience (A): Nikolai Girschevich, you graduated from the Conservatoire from Goldenweiser's piano class, but who taught you composition? Nikolai Kapustin (NK): Nobody. I am self-taught. [The public stands in confusion, Kapustin smiles] A (recovering from confusion): This is unbelievable! But you have created your magnum opus—"24 Préludes and Fugues," how did you manage? NK: There's nothing impossible, for instance, Bach was an autodidact, too, yet it was not an obstacle to creating his fugues. A: But Bach was born in a musical family, he had an opportunity to listen to great masters and to study their scores. Did you consider great composers' practice? NK: Yes, I had such an opportunity. Nevertheless, I do have four-voice fugues which are very fast-paced, whereas Bach has no one of a kind. Из интервью с Капустиным 8 марта 2009 г. в Камерном зале Московской консерватории. — Николай Гиршевич, вы заканчивали консерваторию как пианист по классу Гольденвейзера, а у кого вы учились по композиции? — Ни у кого. Я самоучка. (Всеобщее замешательство. Капустин улыбается.) Публика (оправившись от изумления): — Это невероятно! Но вы же создали грандиозный опус — «24 прелюдии и фуги», как вам это удалось? — Ничего невероятного: например, Бах тоже был самоучкой, однако это не помешало ему создавать свои фуги. Публика: — Но Бах родился в музыкальной семье, он имел возможность слушать великих мастеров и изучать их ноты. Вы тоже брали за образец наработки великих композиторов, включая Баха? Капустин: — Да, я тоже имел такую возможность, и, тем не менее, у меня есть фуги на 4 голоса в очень быстром темпе, а у Баха ни одной такой нет.
Mozart K. 467, Development. iPad's are so useful!
Benjamin Steinhardt, piano
Interested in learning more? Contact me at to join the mailing list! In Episode 1 of Music Learning Academy Presents, Hannah Mayo discusses her transition from traditional methods to Music Moves for Piano, a piano method by Marilyn Lowe that applies Edwin E. Gordon's Music Learning Theory to piano instruction.
Full concert here: Subscribe to our channel for more videos Grand Piano Competition 2018: Finals (I/II) Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Concerto for Piano No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25 Alexandra Dovgan (Russia, 10) The Grand Prize winner State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia "Evgeny Svetlanov" (Svetlanov Symphony Orchestra) Alexander Sladkovsky: Conductor Concert recorded at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory (Moscow, Russia) on May 4, 2018. © Moscow Philharmonic Follow on: | Facebook : | Twitter : | Instagram : Dive into the heart of classical music with! Get closer than ever to the artists you love and have an unforgettable experience with 150+ live webcasts each year and 2600+ videos. A rare and exclusive selection of concerts, ballets, operas, documentaries, master classes, behind-the-scenes and interviews!
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6 of the best stretches you should do everyday for flexibility and function. This daily stretching routine will help improve mobility in your spine, hips, and shoulders and decrease pain in your neck and back. These are my top stretches that I prescribe in my physical therapy clinic - perform them everyday to improve range of motion, mobility, and function! ➡️ LINK TO STRETCH OUT STRAP: ⭐️ UPDATED!! EVERYDAY STRETCHES TO IMPROVE FLEXIBILITY: ✅ FOLLOW-ALONG STRETCHING ROUTINE FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN’T FLEXIBLE: ✅ 10 BEST STRETCHES FOR LOWER BACK PAIN: ✅ STRENGTHEN YOUR CORE IN JUST 6 MINUTES: ✅ NIGHTTIME STRETCHING ROUTINE TO SLEEP BETTER: Mobility is one of the critical components to our overall wellness. In order to maintain normal, pain-free function and movement, we have to be mindful of our flexibility and mobility - especially in our spines (collectively the most mobile part of our body). Our muscles and joints undergo what we call “adaptive shortening” and “adaptive lengthening” based on the stresses (or lack thereof) placed upon an area. Basically - our bodies and joints operate under a “use it or lose it” principle. If we don’t take our joints into their end ranges of available motion and if we stay fixed in one posture for an extended period of time, we start to lose our range of motion. This can result in feelings of tightness, stiffness, and even pain. The best way to combat these effects is by regularly taking your joints into ranges that they should go into and that they’re capable of going into, but don’t get there regularly. That’s where these exercises come in. This is a collection of the best exercises to stretch key muscles and joints into their end ranges of motion to increase your mobility and promote normal pain-free movement. Click on the time stamps below to be taken directly to each exercise in the video. 1. CHIN TUCKS (3:38) - My go-to exercise to decrease pain, tension, and even headaches in your cervical spine (neck). This is a must if you spend long periods of time in a “forward head posture” (working at a laptop, looking at a tablet or phone, etc). 2. NECK AND UPPER BACK EXTENSION STRETCHES (4:40) - Think about it - we rarely look up! Our whole lives are in front of us and we spend a lot of time looking straight or down. But our necks and our upper backs are designed to extend - to look up and move backwards. One of the best things you can do for your neck and upper back is to improve extension mobility. CORRECT YOUR UPPER BACK AND NECK POSTURE NOW: 3. DOORWAY STRETCHES (6:54) - When we slump, our head comes forward on our necks and our shoulders round forward and in. To break out of this posture we need adequate range of motion through the front of the chest and shoulders. This is my go-to stretch to target those area. 4. LOWER BACK EXTENSION STRETCH (8:44) - We spend a lot of time sitting and many of our daily motions involve forward bending. Rarely do we extend our spines back the other direction in an effort to stretch them out. That’s where this stretch comes in. *Don’t do this one if you have certain specific spine conditions. If you’re dealing with back pain from things like stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or spondylolisthesis, please do not perform these extension exercises. You need to promote spine flexion (bending forward) to stretch your back out safely. BEST EXERCISES FOR DISC BULGE AND SCIATICA: 5. HIP FLEXOR STRETCH (10:40) - we spend a lot of time sitting. Over time our hip flexors can adapt and shorten in this position. The unfortunate part about this is one of your hip flexor muscles attaches to your lower back vertebrae. If your hip flexors are tight they can pull on these vertebrae and pull your back forward and out of proper alignment. HIP FLEXOR PAIN? YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS ONE: 6. HAMSTRINGS STRETCH (12:13) - Probably the one area/muscle group that most of us could use a little work on - our hamstrings are an area that are prone to becoming tight. They also have a connection on the pelvis and can contribute to lower back pain if not stretched out properly. THE BEST WAY TO STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRINGS: Thanks so much for watching! Please remember to subscribe to our channel here on YouTube and like this video if you found it helpful. Leave your questions and comments below, and until next time I’ll see you back here on Tone and Tighten!
Best 5 SHOULDER PAIN RELIEF Stretches-Real Time Routine Youtube Channel: Website: Bob and Brad demonstrate shoulder stretches for pain relief. These are easy stretches to do and can be completed at home with simple household items (i.e chair, stool, or a broom stick). Bob and Brad both have had great success with these exercises in aiding their shoulder pain. Interested in learning about the products mentioned in today's video: 1) Booyah Stik: This week’s giveaway: Enter here: We are giving away 2 Wobblesmarts from OPTP! Giveaway Link: Purchase Link: Discount: OPTP is offering 22% off as a special deal for Bob & Brad fans! Discount is automatically applied when using the purchase link. Our videos offer the best "get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free" information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old. Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck have over 50 years of combined experience in the physical therapy field. Not only will these videos provide outstanding health information on treating yourself at home, we also do product reviews. For our favorite products on Amazon click on this link. We try to add a twist of our humor into each video in our quest to be the "Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet" In our opinion of course!!! Subscribe to us now and join the fun. Visit us on our other social media platforms: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Bob and Brad’s Products: Grip and Forearm Strengthener: Wall Anchor: Booyah Stik: Knee Glide: Check out our shirts, mugs, bags and more in our Bob and Brad merchandise shop here: Check out other products Bob and Brad Love: Check out The Bob & Brad Crew on YouTube by clicking here: Want to help translate our videos? We would so love the help! Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Affiliate disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.

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