Videos: Solo Performances

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Solo Performances

Solo performances happen during lessons, for informal recitals, for formal recitals, and competitions. Students become comfortable performing without notation, a natural result of the audiation-based learning style of Music Moves.

A performance of Copland's "Cat and the Mouse." This student, in 2017, is finishing a doctorate in piano at the young age of 23.
Students learn to perform comfortably without notation. Because musical concepts are internalized in Music Moves for Piano activities, there is little anxiety about performance on a stage.
Louis started in my preschool early childhood class when he was two and his sister joined us after birth. Over time, they have learned how to audiate. This is demonstrated by their performances through the years. Other video clips show more advanced solo performances as well as accompanying skill.
Students perform solos as a 'first time' performance in recital to prepare for an audition.
Jerred is preparing for a competition. This is a busy, musical student who sings, plays in the school band, composes, plays in a 'classic rock band,' and loves jazz. He is preparing this piece for a state competition.
A transfer student learns quickly.
A musical 7th grader transfer who learns quickly and is very busy with many other activities.
Early childhood music classes make a difference. Growing up with acculturation to varieties of tonalities and meters as well as singing, chanting, and movement activities internalizes musicality. This is evident as students continue music study.
Lauren has studied Music Moves since she was born and has been an assistant in my studio. This is her state winning performance of Nocturne by Grieg.
Winner of the high school division with three solos, Lauren plays an Argentine dance by Ginestera.
Student is successful, but does not like to perform solos. She loves to create her own music. Learning repertoire builds technical and musical skills and strengthens audiation skill, then students have ownership of elements that make music.
Love watching him move around to feel comfortable. He will sit still when he performs on a stage.
3rd graders perform together. Hands are different and here is a good example. One can only continue developing fingers that control the key movement. A video of the famous teacher, John Perry, shows him 'mashing' his fingers (presumably on purpose).
Performed by Jerred Williamson
From Muczynski's Six Preludes, performed by Jerred Williamson.
For Missouri state solo and ensemble festival. Received a 1 rating.
Fortunate to have a harpsichord available for a recital. Students performed original pieces and after the recital it was fun to play an original harpsichord piece.
Transfer students like learning rote solos. They do not look at music or take it home, but I do play it for them and teach it in chunks. I give these student one new piece at every lesson. This is the third piece for this boy and his brothers. They can remember them all.

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